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Back before the internet, or any online genealogical help, Todd Bolen was a avid researcher looking for his Bolen ancestors.  He used the tools available then of which corresponding with others via mail was a primary source.  He began to collect a lot of information on various Bolling lines (all spellings) from many different sources.  


The Bolling, Bowling Bolen Family in America before 1800 was first compiled by Todd Bolen and Lois Bolen Strange in 1987 and updated in 1997.  Since it is now out of publication and only available in libraries, Todd has graciously  allowed us to share some of the contents below.  All Bolling researchers are indebted to him for this generous gift.


Because of the size of these files they must be downloaded to your pc and are in either Word or Excel format.  By downloading the various sections of the book, one has essentially access to the latest version of the book.





A Quick Guide to all the States and Counties and the Bollings that lived there. Click here


A Quick Guide to Bolling, Bowling, Bolen Families  Click here  


An index of All Bolling Spouses from Bolling's in America before 1800   Click here


An index to Bolling's in America before 1800  Click here


An index to all Sources  Click here


Groups and Immigrant Ancestor or Family head

To see how the various DNA Groups have been fitted into Todd Bolen's book, Bolen's in Am. before 1800 click on the see more at the end of each group.  This will download a Word file  to your PC showing how each Fh (family head)  fits into the DNA testing.  Open the file and you can see the results.


Group 1     Robert Bolling 1646-1709 Fh 480, Red & White Bollings see more


Group 2    Thomas Bouldinge 1580 Fh 665 Swan Immigrant in 1610 see more


Group 3    Benjamin Bolling 1734-1832 Fh 110  see more


Group 4    The Bourlands  see more


Group 5    James Bowling c1756 Fh 270 see more


Group 6    Simon Bowley Fh 629 bc1620 d>1703  see more.  


Group 7    William Bolling 1731 Fh 830 see more


Group 8    Thomas Bowling 1640 Fh 670 see more


Group 9   James Bolin 1796 Fh 292


Group 16  Edward Bolen  c 1740 Fh200  see more


Group UK Unknown EKA or Group  see more


To see complete DNA results by Group colorized click on this link.



The Bolling Family Association

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